Architecture & Time

Investigating the effects of time on the material and symbolic properties of architecture.

Sophie Calle

Image from The Hotel series by Sophie Calle.

Our first exercise was to ‘map a space in time’. American poet and essayist Kim Stafford tells us that “[a] place is a story happening many times.” The choice of physical space was up to each student. The parameters of each exercise were open; these parameters were, however, to be considered, defined and reflected upon. Below are a selection of images and short descriptions of each project.

Kevin O’Brien

Mapping a space in time _ Perpetual memory

Margarita Kaplun

‘Mapping a Space in Time’ exercise

This video tells the story of an afternoon by the Royal Canal. The objective of this video was to capture the reflections of time in the rippling of the water, while the two observers remain stationary.

Mapping Time in Space from MargaritaKaplun on Vimeo.


Lukasz Kuchta

Space Mapping_Dad Space Mapping_Mom

Map of my parents journey through the house on Sunday. The aim of the exercise was to recognise the areas of interaction as well as the places which are not used be both or just one of the subjects.

Sean Hughes

Sean Hughes - Mapping Space & Time copy copy

Image shows movement of objects on a desk over the course of a sad Saturday at home spent working on tech & studio. The opacity of each object was meant to reflect its duration in each place but all the layers in photoshop were mistakenly flattened before I got a chance to upload it.

William Conran

GhostsTime-Space study

This study uses old photographs and their present day locations to create a composition that exists in two moments of time. It is an emotional response to the changing life of a home.

Asal Mohtashami

mapping a space in time

This project examines the case about occupation of the space in a specific time. The rooms are located in the Roebuck Castle Residence, all rooms have the same ground plan and represent a neutral space. By inhabiting the space, it becomes personal and expresses the moment, the space in time. The four images can be understood as an analysis of how we inhabit a space in particular and how it changes through time.

Hugo James Hickey

GPS Location History

A comparative analysis of my GPS location history over the space of one week between New York and Dublin.

By Hugo James Hickey

Audio : “Burial – Stolen Dog” w/ City Sounds

Cian Tarrant

Sink SpaceScreen Shot 2014-04-29 at 13.11.55This short video maps the preparation and production of a meal with guests over the course of an afternoon. The process of cooking, cleaning and enjoying the meal intersect at varying points throughout the night. Splashes of colour denote  conversation or interaction over work throughout an evening of family enjoyment.

Robert Curley


Sketch perspectival plan of living room. Mapping movements of furniture around the space over the course of a week as numerous experiments were being filmed. The exercise sought to ask the question “What is prescribed space?”. The complexity of the movement and choreography of the space in plan contrasts with the clarity of the shots made in the room.

Deirbhile Doddy

market blog

This image is taken from a series of overlaid stills from a video of a Saturday market, mapping the people and analysing if the space created defines people’s actions or if the actions of the people create the space?