
Asal Mohtashami

After have read Brian Dillon’s article‘Decline and Fall. Tracing the history of ruins in art, from 18th-century painting to 21st-century film’, we have been asked to add a picture related to it. The picture above shows the ruins of a building in Palermo, Sicily. A city terribly affected by World War II. Ruins are a part of this city and trace the history of it. In my opinion, this picture shows clear the link between beauty and ruins and decay.

Manhattan Island Before ColumbusTime Travelling photos

Billy Conran

The above two images  show how the use of collages can show the changes of a location throughout history.

Our first group reading was ‘Decline and Fall. Tracing the history of ruins in art, from 18th-century painting to 21st-century film’ by Brian Dillon, taken from Frieze magazine.

Production still from Sealander, Jane and Louise WIlson.

Production still from re, Jane and Louise Wilson.

Acoustic mirrors:

This sculptural pieces are an early warning system,  from 1930 used to detect German aircraft before the invention of radar. Sound waves bounce on the semi -sphere cast on the concrete structure, enabling to recognise the sound of distant plane engines. This can be seen scattered around the English landscape.

“Architecture in general is frozen music”
Friedrich von Schelling.

Architecture Sound

Available at:

Lukasz Kuchta

As part of the final task I have studied Spoerri’s “An anecdoted topography of chance” and Whyte’s City Rediscovered and Life of the small urban spaces. Here are some cool images. The introduction to Spoerri’s book is particularly interesting. You can get it in Richview Library.Whyte_04 Whyte_01 Topography of chance_monochrome Topography of chance_colour